A restraining order was also passed by the Madras High Court and notice has been issued restraining Mannan from entering Mani Ratnam's office or residence. The Purambokku film Starring Arya,Vijay sethupathi ,Shyam and Karthiga nair is directed by.
We have filed a suit claiming five crore rupees for the damages that he has caused to the director's reputation. Mani Ratnam's laywer, Abudu Kumar said,"We have sued Mannan for the defamatory remarks and case he has made against Mani Ratnam. The director has now sued the distributor for false allegations against him. It stars Shiva, Santhanam, Oorvasi, Manobala, Pandi, Aarthi, Rahul Ravindran, Swaminathan, Misha Goshal and Priya Anand in the lead roles.
But the director clarified that he has sold the worldwide rights to another company and he cannot he held responsible for the distributors' loss.įew days back, distributor Mannan filed a complaint with the Police Commissioner demanding compensation from Mani Ratnam for the loss incurred. Anjali who plays one of the female leads in this film directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi has said she 'had the best time' with the director, hero and Richard M.Nathan, the cinematographer of the film. Vanakkam Chennai is a 2013 tamil film directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi. Director Mani Ratnam's Kadal, featuring debutantes Gautham Karthik and Thulasi in the lead roles, received mixed reviews and some distributors protested in front of his office demanding compensation. Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi is an Indian Film director and writer,Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi is noted for her work mainly in Tamil cinema.